JISD Open House
Student Immunizations
Junior High Gym
August 7, 2023
8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
*Please sign up using the following link:
Incoming 7th graders for 2023-2024 school year – MCV4 (meningitis), Tdap (tetanus) required for 7th grade; HPV optional
Information for Seniors:
MCV4 – Meningitis vaccine required for colleges
Men B – a 2 shot series for a 5th strain of meningitis that is the optional
*All insurance policies will be verified, please sign up with the link if you plan to participate!
*If you plan to pay out of pocket, please submit your info! You will put “NA” in all insurance blanks.
No insurance:
$10/shot – up to 18 years old
19+ - self pay adult prices
If you have any questions please contact Carolyn.Williams@jasperisd.net
Aurora Concepts, LLC
233 Hurst St. Suite B
Center, TX 75935