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Educator of the Year Information

Jasper Public Schools Foundation's Educator of the Year

Deadlines for the 24-25 Educator of the Year will be announced soon.


  • To be eligible to receive the award, educators must be nominated by parents, teachers, students, community members, or school district administrators. Because the purpose of this program is to recognize the contributions of Jasper ISD educators, those staff members whose assignments are administrative or supervisory are ineligible. Nominees must have daily face-to-face contact with students. Teachers in Pre-K through Grade 12 who plan to continue teaching in their current capacity for at least one year are eligible for nomination. Teachers in special services such as Special Education, lab teachers, speech therapists, guidance counselors, librarians, etc. are also eligible.  To nominate an educator complete the electronic form.

  • The Jasper Public Schools Foundation's Educator of the Year program recognizes and supports educator excellence and innovation within the Jasper Independent School District. Our goal is to support educators in the pursuit of their unrealized goals for their classrooms or professional development. With the help of a generous patron, the Jasper Public Schools Foundation plans to award four JISD educators with $1,000.00 each in appreciation of their dedication to the students of JISD.  An additional $250.00 will go toward a sponsorship of a classroom project of their choice in relation to the Give a Gift program.  Recipients' professional accomplishments will be celebrated with the promotion of their accomplishments in the news media.  An awards ceremony will be held at the conclusion of the school year to recognize the recipients of this award.

  • The Jasper Public School Foundation Board will review all applications as submitted from the four main JISD campuses.  Using the criteria listed below, the JPS Foundation Board will consider the nominees based on this information.  Campus principals will be able to provide any additional information such as unsolicited letters of support that is collected at their level.  The names of all of the nominees will be redacted during the review process to provide a level of anonymity in the selection process.

    1. Personal educational philosophy 
    2. Demonstrated ability to inspire students' love of learning 
    3. Creation of innovative projects or programs 
    4. Commitment to community 
    5. Goals for their classroom 
    6. Positive qualities they see in education, and changes they would like to see made to strengthen and improve teaching
    7. Professional Development
    8. Testing benchmarks
    9. Principal Recommendation / Statement